Something New Project
Assignment 1: Make a Stool based on the Template
My group and I choose to modify the template by making the legs three inches shorter and the seat of it a square. After we traced the template onto the 2x2 piece of plywood. We used a jigsaw to cut out each piece of the chair. When using the jigsaw we made holes with the forsner bit to everywhere we needed to turn on the wood. After we had all the pieces cut out, the tool my group and I used was the bandsaw the make accurate cuts. Also used the bandsaw to have the least amount of tear out.
Week two 1/15:
The second week my group did all the finishing touches to the stool. We used the belt sander to make sure we all have the edges as straight as possible. Some more things that we did was that we sanded with 150 then 220. Then, we did an oil finish to the wood.
Skill Targets
- Constraints:
- Only will have 2x2 piece of plywood
- Stool template will not fit into the 2x2 piece of wood. Template must be modified.
- Things to Consider:
- The more cuts that you make, the more difficult it will bee the assemble the stool.
My group and I choose to modify the template by making the legs three inches shorter and the seat of it a square. After we traced the template onto the 2x2 piece of plywood. We used a jigsaw to cut out each piece of the chair. When using the jigsaw we made holes with the forsner bit to everywhere we needed to turn on the wood. After we had all the pieces cut out, the tool my group and I used was the bandsaw the make accurate cuts. Also used the bandsaw to have the least amount of tear out.
Week two 1/15:
The second week my group did all the finishing touches to the stool. We used the belt sander to make sure we all have the edges as straight as possible. Some more things that we did was that we sanded with 150 then 220. Then, we did an oil finish to the wood.
Skill Targets
- Make accurate cuts and measurements
- Use a bridle joint to build something
- Careful, detailed work
- What is wood grain? how is wood made?
- How to balance efficient material use with practical building methods?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of building with slots and bridle joints?
Assignment 2: Make a Model piece of furniture
I took a image off of Pinterest then made 5 little models and changed it till i liked it. It was hard to get the chair to look proportional. After i figured out how i liked it to look i moved on the my 1:2 scale.
- Products
- 5 Cardboard models
- Constraints
- All models must be made out of cardboard.
- No particular scale is needed.
- Things to consider
- Ideas should be multi-modal, start from a single piece of furniture and see what can be added.
- Remember 90:10 Designs in real life are usually 90% copying something else and 10% original
I took a image off of Pinterest then made 5 little models and changed it till i liked it. It was hard to get the chair to look proportional. After i figured out how i liked it to look i moved on the my 1:2 scale.
Assignment 3: 1:2 Scale Model Prototype
Using the ideas i got from the last post i choose one. I started with figuring out which dimensions would be proportional and comfortable for the siter. After i figured those out i starter drafting it out on some cardboard and making my 1:2 scale. Once i finished making my 1:2 scale in cardboard i tried to see how i could make it multimodal. After Adding a couple more bridle joints i could get the the chair to be multi modal. after figuring out how to make this chair have multiple functional modes. I started on my plywood half scale and used my card board half scale as a template for it. Some one also told me that i could use the tiles on the ground in the classroom because that each were 1x1 squares so that meant that i could use 4 tiles to ensure that my design would fit the limited recourses i was provided.
Week Five 2/5:
When working on the plywood half scale. I made the design i liked the most from when i did the 5 cardboard models, I called this chair the wedge chair. I used the bandsaw fully. I used this tool because i had a lot of intricate cuts in my design. Such as triangle legs with bridal joints and my seat/back had a curved top. After making all my cuts and test fitting all my joints. Some of my joint i made a little to loose so, the chair was a little wobbly. We had some young kids sit in our half scales and give us feedback on how we can change the design to be more functional. After i got feedback from the young kids they told me that it needed to be a bit wider. Then i went back to the drawing board to see how much more space i had on my 2x2 piece of plywood. After seeing how much more room i had to work with i could make the seat a couple more inches wider, i also made sure not to make my joints too loose again. With both of my half scale drafts i practiced oiling and finishing them. The way to finish it i used 120 sandpaper first then 220 after sanding to 220 i got a paper towel. I folded it in to a smallish rectangle then dipped it in to the oil provided by the teacher and rubbed it on to the sanded wood. then i had a finish plywood half scale design.
- Product:
- 1 Cardboard Draft of your idea, exactly 1:2 scale
- 1 Plywood draft of your idea, exactly 1:2 scale
- Constraints
- Model must be made out of provided plywood.
- Design must be multimodal
- Things to Consider
- final wood source will be 4ft x 4ft, This draft should fit into a 2ft x 2ft piece of plywood
- Remember the 90:10. Designs in real life are usually 90% copying else and 10% original
Using the ideas i got from the last post i choose one. I started with figuring out which dimensions would be proportional and comfortable for the siter. After i figured those out i starter drafting it out on some cardboard and making my 1:2 scale. Once i finished making my 1:2 scale in cardboard i tried to see how i could make it multimodal. After Adding a couple more bridle joints i could get the the chair to be multi modal. after figuring out how to make this chair have multiple functional modes. I started on my plywood half scale and used my card board half scale as a template for it. Some one also told me that i could use the tiles on the ground in the classroom because that each were 1x1 squares so that meant that i could use 4 tiles to ensure that my design would fit the limited recourses i was provided.
Week Five 2/5:
When working on the plywood half scale. I made the design i liked the most from when i did the 5 cardboard models, I called this chair the wedge chair. I used the bandsaw fully. I used this tool because i had a lot of intricate cuts in my design. Such as triangle legs with bridal joints and my seat/back had a curved top. After making all my cuts and test fitting all my joints. Some of my joint i made a little to loose so, the chair was a little wobbly. We had some young kids sit in our half scales and give us feedback on how we can change the design to be more functional. After i got feedback from the young kids they told me that it needed to be a bit wider. Then i went back to the drawing board to see how much more space i had on my 2x2 piece of plywood. After seeing how much more room i had to work with i could make the seat a couple more inches wider, i also made sure not to make my joints too loose again. With both of my half scale drafts i practiced oiling and finishing them. The way to finish it i used 120 sandpaper first then 220 after sanding to 220 i got a paper towel. I folded it in to a smallish rectangle then dipped it in to the oil provided by the teacher and rubbed it on to the sanded wood. then i had a finish plywood half scale design.
Assignment 3b: Laser Cut 1:8 draft
This assignment was hard because i never have used the Adobe Illustrator. When i was transferring my desmos into Illustrator. Then put it into this template then scale them down to 1:8 scale. When i had to cut on the cutter i messed up on one of the measurements and had to edit and recut. After I recut the stuff was all good. I had a lot of fun with this assignment because it was new.
- Products
- 1:8 scale version of your design laser cut from desmos
- Constraints
- Made from cardstock. if it doesn't fit together or look correct directly from the laser cutter you need to update you desmos file.
- Things to consider
- The more precise you can be at this step, the easier it will be to make you plan full scale.
This assignment was hard because i never have used the Adobe Illustrator. When i was transferring my desmos into Illustrator. Then put it into this template then scale them down to 1:8 scale. When i had to cut on the cutter i messed up on one of the measurements and had to edit and recut. After I recut the stuff was all good. I had a lot of fun with this assignment because it was new.
Assignment 5: Mountain Top
I choose prompt number 3 because i was looking through Guerilla Furniture designs. While looking though it i noticed all of there designs were environmentally friendly but not aesthetic. So i choose a design a thought how can i change this to make it look better and still be environmentally friendly. The design was a traffic cone lamp. I saw this lamp and thought i would never put this in my home. so i used all of the same detentions as them but instead of it sitting on the ground i thought i you could cut the bottom off and change some wiring. Then hang it from the celling. Which i thought would look better. cones are also something everyone has some kind of access to. Like most cones are just abandon in areas and there usually in good condition. So if you find one that is in good condition you can give it a new use for the rest of its life. We send love to all cones |